- Luxauto.Lu is a website of automobile ads..
- By registering on, the user acknowledges and accepts the general conditions outlined below.
- General Conditions of sale for private users :
- 1. offers private users the possibility to register their advertisement on the site and to consult the offers displayed from its database. A limit of 3 online advertisements for cars is applied.
- 2. Adverts introduced by private users go online automatically after graphical processing of the image(s) attached to the article on sale. Each advert goes online no later than 72 hours.
- 3. Each private user can publish a listing with the Lite format free of charge for a period of 15 days if the selling price of the vehicle do not exceed 2.999€
- 4. For all adverts inserted on Luxauto.Lu, the first 3 photos are free. The insertion of 12 additional photos is possible by subscribing to a "Photo Pack". The photo accompanying the advert goes online after the advert itself due to time required for cropping etc.
- 5. Each user agrees that the data he/she provides may be stored in the database of Luxauto.Lu and displayed on the Luxauto.Lu site. Data introduced and indexed as "masked" will not be displayed in the adverts.
- 6. Luxauto.Lu reserves the right to limit or reject the insertion of adverts in its database without further discussion.
- 7. The insertion of data on means display for a minimum 30 days (except where the advert is deleted by the advertiser).
- 8. Users have a wide scope of options to delete or modify an advert by using the functions of the site and the secret code assigned during the introduction of the vehicle. Any vehicle re-inserted can retain its allotted spot in the chronological classification of adverts and the additional introductions shall be cancelled once appearing in the database.
- 9. The database compiled by Luxauto.Lu, the address and site remain the exclusive property of the company Accessit s.à r.l., which is responsible for the technical administration, operation, editing and moderation of the same.
- 10. Luxauto.Lu provides no guarantee in terms of results to the user.
- 11. Luxauto.Lu reserves the right to check the personal data of each user and reject, where applicable, the insertion of data into its database. For abuse or incorrect data which may harm third parties, reserves the right to exclude the person(s) and/or company(ies) concerned from using its services.
- 12. Each user is responsible ensuring the data inserted into the database of Luxauto.Lu is both truthful and lawful. Luxauto cannot, under any circumstances, be held liable for any errors made by the seller during the introduction of data or the sales price.
- 13. offers no formal or informal guarantee regarding the content of adverts provided by its users and rejects assumption of any liabilities or contingent liabilities.
- 14. Personal user data are not stored for any purposes other than to facilitate the commercial and accounting services of Accessit s.à r.l. Any individual or professional user can view and modify his/her personal contact data at any time or request their deletion from the database of Luxauto.Lu.
For more information about his rights, the user can read our Privacy Policy: